Patient Advocacy
Patient Services Overview
Our Patient Advocacy services simplify healthcare for patients. Patient Advocates
help our customers improve their healthcare experiences by working with them to
answer all of their healthcare questions and resolve their medical and financially
related concerns. Our services help our customers feel more “in control” of their healthcare, are conscientious consumers of healthcare and feel hopeful about their health. We also prevent and detect healthcare fraud, waste and abuse to help our customers lower healthcare costs, spend less time on resolving financial healthcare problems and relieve their financial and emotional distress.
If you can answer "No" to any of the questions below, contact us today.
Do you understand your insurance coverage?
Do you understand what you are paying for?
Do you know if you are being overcharged for your prescriptions?
Are you communicating effectively with your healthcare providers?
Do you have a complete record of your healthcare history?
Do you have the time and energy to sort through your bills?
Click here to view more information on our Patient Healthcare Advocacy Program.
Healthcare is complicated. Patients often find themselves "stuck" or "lost" in our fragmented healthcare system. Current
problems include but are not limited to:
- Soaring Healthcare Costs.
It continues to cost our country and our patients more and more. In 2012,
healthcare is expected to be a $4.4 trillion dollar industry.
- Overpayments.
Over the last 12 years patients have paid $1.4 trillion in overpayments.
- Fraud, waste and abuse.
$60 – $120 billon each year is lost to fraud, waste and abuse.
About 250,000 Americans per year are victims of Medical Identity Theft.
We make healthcare simple. Our Personal Healthcare Advocacy services navigate patients
and their loved ones through the complex world of healthcare. Our Patient Advocates
answer patient questions and resolve patient concerns. We help patients assemble and
maintain personal health records and use their personal health information effectively,
protect patients from medical and financial errors, help overturn patient denials and
guard patients against Medical Identity Theft and fraud, waste and abuse.